Friday, September 20, 2024

Pakistan claims Kabul is not handing over TTP militants.

In refusing to hand over TTP militants, India is allegedly playing a “double game” with Pakistan. There has been a long-standing conflict between this terrorist group and Pakistan. Islamabad believes the TTP planned attacks in Pakistan from Afghanistan following a string of attacks by the TTP.

A terrorist group called the Pakistani Taliban, or TTP militants, operates along Afghanistan’s border with Pakistan. Several times, the group has attacked, attacking police, civilians, and officials to make Pakistan an Islamic state.

Several times, Pakistan has asked Afghanistan to take action against TTP militants operating in Afghanistan. Kabul has always denied helping them with their operations. Pakistan has instead supported the militants and provided safe lodging for its members, according to the Afghan government.

The claims and counter-accusations have made things even worse between Pakistan and Afghanistan, which were already tense. There have been charges and countercharges of cross-border terrorism along their shared border due to militancy.

Afghanistan won’t give up TTP militants and is letting them attack Pakistan. Pakistan says Afghanistan is lying to them about things. Islamabad says that Afghanistan is trying to make the Pakistani government less intense and less eager to fight terrorism.

Pakistan, according to Afghanistan, uses terrorism as a tool of foreign policy and hides terrorist groups that plan attacks on the country. Moreover, Kabul claims Pakistan conducts military actions across its border without its permission, which worsens relations between them.

A military problem along the borders of the two countries cannot be solved because of the accusations and counter-accusations. TTP and the Pakistani government are unable to reach a peace agreement due to a lack of trust between Pakistan and Afghanistan.

In addition to reducing safety in the area, the ongoing conflict has made supporting cooperation and stability difficult. We need to take a broad approach to resolve the problems between Afghanistan and Pakistan that are behind the violence.

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