Friday, September 20, 2024

Pakistan’s Fatah II missile poses a threat to India’s missile defense system.

A Canadian-based Indian magazine has admitted that Pakistan’s Fateh II missile has become a major threat to India’s advanced S-400 missile defense system.

Pakistan had recently test-fired the indigenously developed Fateh-II missile.S-400 missile system. Only a few countries in the world have this system.

Eurasian Time, whose editor is from India, wrote that the Fatah II has an impressive range of 400 km and flies close to the ground.

“The publication said that the Fatah II is distinct from previous rockets due to its sophisticated flight control technology and a pathfinding system that integrates satellite and unmanned navigation systems.”Because of this, there is less than a 10-meter margin of error and the missile may reach the target precisely.

The Eurasian Times write that due to the ability to accurately hit targets from a distance of 400 km, Fatah II provides a huge breakthrough in the field of long-range artillery.

According to the magazine, military experts are calling it a ‘Flat Trajectory Missile’. It’s hard to see on radar.

The Eurasian Times said that after the successful test of Fatah II, international experts and Pakistani media said that it was a breach of India’s S-400 missile defence system. While many experts believe that Fateh II can play an important role in stopping India.

Umair Aslam of Global Defence Insight, an Islamabad-based security forum, told the Eurasian Times that the missile can hit strategic targets such as bridges and air defence units.

Frank O’Donnell of the Stimson Center think tank in Washington said that the preparation of Fatah II shows that Pakistan is watching and learning from wars such as Azerbaijan-Armenia and Russia-Ukraine.

He said that Pakistan feels it can deploy its planes for more critical operations by delegating combat targeting to artillery and drones.

However, defence expert Patricia noted that Fateh II’s missile trajectory is unknown. Russia can update its S-400 system after the Ukrainian testing, but India may not get it.

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