Privacy Policy

Rules and Guidelines

Statement of purpose

At WriterPixel, we strive to provide our readers with up-to-date information on various topics, including sports, technology, gadgets, business, fashion, and lifestyle. News constantly changes, and keeping up with all the changes might be challenging. We’re here to give you the most recent information about tech, electronics, telecom, and other topics in addition to news.

Here at WriterPixel, we take visitor privacy very seriously. Since we value your privacy, we want to let you know what information is gathered from and how it is protected. Your data will never be sold to outside parties; we guarantee that.

Private Data

Your name, IP address, email address, location, ISP, browser type, amount of time spent on the site, and the pages viewed are among the details that could be included. Like any other website, ours also gathers this data. Nobody or anything other than will ever receive access to, buy, or rent your data.

Cookies and Optional Advertising

When you visit our website, we advertise you using Google advertising. These businesses may use aggregated data about your visits to this and other websites—which does not include your name, address, phone number, or email address—to show you adverts for products and services that you might find interesting.

Google Ads

We use Google Ads to help fund our website’s operations by providing a small income. These advertisements are crucial to our business model because they enable us to maintain our online presence and offer high-quality content. Your interaction with these advertisements helps us to continue operating this platform and providing insightful content. I appreciate your help and understanding.

It’s important to remember that you might not be able to utilize all of the services and material on the website without cookies. Please be aware that you will still view advertisements on our site if you refuse cookies. You will still see non-personalized ads on the website even if you choose not to receive them.

When users engage with Google Ads and accept cookies, the platform gathers several data types to optimize and customize ad experiences. This is a summary of the data that Google Ads collects:

1. User Identifiers:

Google Ads may gather data, including device identifiers, IP addresses, and distinct user IDs. This facilitates identifying and monitoring user interactions among various devices and sessions.

2. Browsing Behavior:

Google Ads monitors what people do online, such as which websites they visit, what searches they do, and what content they interact with. Ads are customized using this data according to the interests and actions of users.

3. Demographic Information:

Google AdWords may gather data on age, gender, and geography. Ads are served to particular target audiences using this data.

4. Interest Groups:

Google Ads divides individuals into interest groups according to online behavior. Advertisers can use this information to target users based on their interests with relevant adverts.

5. Ad Interaction:

Clicks, impressions, and conversions are just a few metrics that Google Ads gathers on user interaction with ads. This aids marketers in evaluating the success of their advertising strategies.

6. Conversion Tracking:

After a user clicks on an advertisement, Google AdWords tracks their activities through cookies, such as purchasing a product or subscribing to a newsletter. Advertisers can use this data to evaluate the effectiveness of their campaigns.

7. Remarketing:

Google AdWords allows for displaying advertisements to visitors who have visited a website or interacted with particular content. Cookie data helps to make this possible.

8. Ad Preferences:

Users can view and modify their ad preferences within the Google Ads settings. Individuals can select the adverts they see based on their surfing history and interests.

9. Analytics:

Google Ads and Analytics work together to give marketers comprehensive information about user behavior, website performance, and the efficacy of ad campaigns.

10. Privacy settings:

Users can restrict the personalization of their advertising or choose not to receive personalized ads through Google advertising’s privacy settings. Please read the Google Ads Privacy Policy to learn more about these options and Google’s data handling practices.

Notably, Google AdWords aims to balance user privacy and personalized advertising. Users can modify their privacy and ad settings to limit the data utilized for ad targeting. Google discloses its data collection and usage policies transparently and conforms with protection laws.

You can get in touch with us with any more inquiries or concerns.

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